Terramin has developed the proposed mining lease in a manner that generates maximum benefit for the local, regional and broader South Australian community.
Community Consultation
The information gathered through an inclusive stakeholder engagement process has been incorporated into the design of the proposed mine. This is reflected in the impact assessment process, including the development of the project outcomes.
The specific design and mitigation measures to address the issues raised are outlined in the relevant chapters in the Mine Leasing Proposal (MLP) and actions will be included in the Program for Environment Protection and Rehabilitation (PEPR).
If the mine is approved this consultation and engagement will continue - listening to community concerns and issues and ensuring these are incorporated into the development of the PEPR.
Terramin will continue to actively engage with stakeholders, at all stages of the project.
Community Policy
At Terramin we recognise that achieving positive relationships within the communities in which we operate is imperative in conducting responsible business.
We also recognise that it is vital to inform, consult, involve and collaborate with the local communities to work towards beneficial outcomes and continually strive to secure our social license to operate.
To achieve this, Terramin will apply the following principles:
Be open and transparent and engage in all dealings with communities.
Ensuring employees and agents of the company engage with stakeholders in a way which fosters mutual respect and trust between the company and the local communities in line with leading industry practice.
Commit to developing long term partnerships that are suitably beneficial for both parties.
Ensure the communities obtain a fair share in the benefits generated by a development through employment and business development opportunities.
Adhere to the laws and regulations applicable to its projects.
These principles are included in the standards, policies and procedures used by Terramin to operate its projects.
Stakeholder Consultation
It is a legislated requirement that proposed mining projects must engage in an extensive stakeholder consultation process including extensive community input.
The relevant legislation regarding the social environment and the proposed project emanates from the Mining Act 1971 (SA), and the associated determination developed for the Project by the Department of the Premier and Cabinet – Determination for a Mining Proposal for the Bird in Hand Gold Project, and was released in the South Australian Government Gazette on the 5th April 2017.
There are no specific legislation or standards relevant to social impacts, however, Terramin’s assessment methods are driven by best practice guidelines, which are explained in more detail below.