Mining vehicles will bring the gold ore to the surface where it will be loaded into ore trucks for transport to Strathalbyn for processing.
Traffic Movements
Pictured: The type of truck proposed to transport gold ore between the mine and Strathalbyn. These types of trucks are already being used in the Adelaide Hills.
A new vehicle entry is proposed on Pfeiffer Road approximately halfway between the Bird in Hand Winery and Petaluma Winery entries. The location has been selected to provide clear sight lines for driver safety.
Mining vehicles will bring the gold ore to the surface where it will be loaded into ore trucks for transport to Strathalbyn for processing.
Proposed Traffic Route
The final route is yet to be approved with considerations to load limits and time restrictions. The estimated total distance is 50km.
Terramin are working in collaboration with local councils and the Department for Planning, Transport and Infrastructure to determine the appropriate traffic route from Woodside to Strathalbyn.
Three potential routes were assessed for existing conditions, safety and suitability by independent traffic experts. The proposed route for ore transport between the Bird in Hand Gold Project Site and the Angas Processing Facility is via Nairne Road, the South Eastern Freeway and Callington Road.
The proposed Bird in Hand Gold Mine is expected to generate the following traffic volumes as part of the mining operation.
Ore trucks – 12 trips out + 12 return trips
Supply trucks – 4 per day
Company light vehicles – 10 per day
Visitors – 6 per day
Employee parking
In addition, there will employee vehicles parked on site.
Daytime 52
Evening 15
Weekend 15
Estimate increase in traffic above current levels is not expected to have a significant adverse impact on the road conditions over the life of the mine.
12 Truck movements per day
Trucks will be covered to prevent dust escape
Truck movements timed to avoid peak traffic times and school drop-off and pick-up
Truck movements to cease 10 PM to 6 AM
Truck movements to cease during community events