Low Impact Mining
The mine will pioneer surgical extraction of gold through a single keyhole entry.
Site Plan
The property owned by Terramin is a 40 hectare site. The mine operational area (mine opening, buildings, roads and equipment) will occupy only 4 hectares providing a large buffer of rural land.
Equipment and buildings located on the site have been minimised by undertaking ore processing at Terramin’s existing processing site at Strathalbyn.
All structures (except the silo) will be lower than surrounding trees to minimise visual impact.
On-site structures to support the mining operations include:
Administration Office and Workshop
An office building provides administration and coordination of mine logistics. Staff facilities include change rooms, first aid and toilets. The workshop will service machinery and vehicles and is sized according to roof clearance and access requirements of the mine.
Integrated Mullock Landform (IML)
Non-gold bearing material from the mine is stored on the surface before being returned as fill within the mine voids. The IML contrasts with the surrounding surfaces and provides a dynamic element through the operations phase of the mine. Once placed within the IML the undisturbed material may be in-situ for five years.
Run of Mine Silo (ROM)
The Run of Mine silo is used to store 4 to 5 days supply of ore ready for transport to the Angas processing facility. The height of the silo is anticipated to be around 19 metres above existing ground level depending on width and holding capacity requirements. The form and material selections are important in reducing the visual impact of the silo.
Landscape Bunds
Landscape bunds change the existing landform and internal and external viewsheds of the property. The form avoids unnaturally straight or horizontal ridgelines contrasting with the surrounding landforms.
Batter slopes require revegetation to soften the surface appearance and seasonal weed control during maintenance may be required until native groundcover species are established.
Carpark Batter
Car park batters are likely to be visible from Pfeiffer Road through gaps in the existing farmhouse perimeter planting. Batters require landscape remediation and provide the opportunity to establish canopy trees to provide shade to the parking areas.
Water Treatment Plant
Excess mine water and storm water from the operations area is treated within an on-site water treatment plant consisting of interconnected water tanks. The tanks are likely to be plastic and may be set down on split level terraces to reduce earthworks and the visibility of the tanks from the western side of the property.
Mine Water Dam
The Mine Water Dam provides storage for treated water to be reused within the mine operations and for irrigation.
Vehicle Bridge
An open culvert bridge spans the existing creek line to provide vehicle access to the operations area and maintain the alignment of existing water flows.
Concrete Batching Plant
The concrete batching plant provides shotcrete and backfill to be used within the mine tunnel.
Topsoil Mound
Topsoil bunds are used for storage of topsoil to be used for rehabilitation at mine closure.
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